Before you click away from this blog post, rolling your eyes at being asked to take on yet one more role as a working mother, I invite you to stay just a little while longer! Kick your feet up, let’s have a coffee and chat.
We are in a pioneering generation of Indian women. We are still the primary homemakers, chefs and caretakers of our families. And yet many of us are simultaneously holding down careers that run parallel to our husbands, both financially and in terms of time commitments.
We go through our daily routines like a circus performer: a juggler walking on a tightrope. Each hour of the day that passes, we add more balls to those that we have to keep juggling in the air. Breakfasts fed, lunch boxes packed, morning commutes, office deadlines and deliverables, and then the evening commute, dinner, homework. If we’re lucky, we may have introduced one or two other balls in the air too – maybe a little exercise, or relaxation time. We know and dread the cost of letting even one of those balls drop. So where, you ask, is there the time or balance to add one more ball to those we’re already juggling?
Well let’s get back to the juggler on a tightrope analogy. The key difference between us as working mothers, and that circus juggler up on the tightrope is simple – a safety net. Even the simplest of country circus fairs provides a safety net to save their precarious aerialists from a deadly fall.
So how about your personal safety net? Traditional financial savings instruments like savings accounts and pension plans deal with your long-term financial security as you approach retirement. But do you have the financial wherewithal to deal with daily ebbs and flows in financial situations? What kind of a present-day safety net do you have underneath you?
That’s where trading after hours can come in. Using the simple principles of #TeachAWomanToFish, a special course offered via Tradonomix, you can turn a few consolidated hours during the course of a whole week into the sort of safety net that gives you the confidence to continue on your high-wire balancing act.
Tradonomix’s accelerated weekend course gives you the ability to understand the markets, and to apply that all important aspect of timing to it in a confident manner. The focus is trade in a way that is more about up-front analysis and less about hourly button-pushing and worrying. The skills learnt through the course, and especially applied in conjunction with easy-to-use online trading platforms, help you to produce a revenue stream that runs parallel to your own, with the added advantage of providing liquidity when compared to other savings asset classes.
They key to it all, is to maintain that balancing act while keeping ourselves secure. The key to Tradonomix’s trading tools is all about timing. I think I have taken up enough of your time now, but do consider coming back to attend a weekend course and learn to add the ‘trader’ ball to the ones you so successfully juggle.